Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Shift:Internal to External

The United States used to be a country that housed some of the most intelligent people and strove to make advances in technology and education. However, the newer generation of the United States seems to be only a shadow of the older generation when it comes to education. Instead the newer generation has shifted from a focus on education and technology to a focus on social media, popularity, and trying to become famous.

For today's generation you have 6 seconds to do something that will hopefully get you millions of views and likes. People who spend years of their lives trying to find a cure for a disease or dedicate their lives working to improve other's lives are less known than these people who just make videos of themselves doing weird things in order to try to entertain people. Teen magazines support this transition of the internal to the external focus shift as they mainly focus on having teenagers improve themselves through their fashion, style, looks, appeal, etc. instead of having them focus on trying to improve by strengthening themselves mentally, improving their knowledge, and trying to further their education.

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